We currently have 8 committee members who all love working with each other. As one of them put it:

“This is why our committee and club stands out from the others. We’re all wanting the best for the breed, but we also do our best to be there for each other too.”


Brigitte Mordan-Grimm - CHAIR
Breed Health Coordinator for Eurasiers in the UK

Brigitte’s interest in dogs deepened during her studies of biology in her native Austria. In her search for the ideal companion dog, she encountered the Eurasier in the 1980's, and has never looked back! Having been a Eurasier owner for over 30 years, and a breeder for the last 16, she presently owns 3 Eurasiers, one home-bred, the second a Canadian import and the third a granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the older 2. In the process she has found many like-minded friends all over the world. Because of these interests and professional background, health concerns and behaviour have been at the forefront of her dog-related work. As a result of her expertise in this field, she was elected onto the Health Committee of the International Federation for Eurasier Breeding (IFEZ) in 2012. Her canine interests range from health, behaviour/training, agility and obedience, to breeding and showing. Having headed UK Eurasier Rescue, she currently focuses mainly on her roles as UK Breed Health Coordinator (since 2010) and S.E.A. Health Representative. In 2015 she qualified as a Eurasier judge and has frequently organized breed seminars for conformation judges as well as interested owners, and was thrilled and very honoured with her appointment as first breed specialist judge at CRUFTS 2022. Brigitte is a very empathetic person who goes out of her way to help others, people as well as dogs, always putting the breed’s and the dogs’ best interest first.

If you have any questions you can Contact Brigitte here


Peter Mordan - SECRETARY

Having spent over thirty years working as a research zoologist at the Natural History Museum in London, I am now happily retired. This allows me much more time to pursue other interests such as classical music and general natural history, as well as to enjoy our 3 wonderful Eurasiers, each different but each a delight in her own way. I am fascinated by the role that the famous Austrian ethologist, Konrad Lorenz, played in the development of the Eurasier, for me the perfect breed of dog.


Sanjay Ignatius Raja - Treasurer

I was first introduced to Eurasiers a few years back at the London National Pet Show en route to see the Golden Retrievers. However, when we had a chance to talk to various owners and breeders (including Brigitte) we, my wife Alessandra and I, were convinced and have not looked back since. Since then we turned our attention solely to one day welcoming a Eurasier into our family.

Luckily, we managed to convince Brigitte (Alphacanis) and Caroline (Darchen) to give us one of their puppies and in August 2017, we welcomed home Alphacanis Winnie - our little bundle of joy. As a first time dog owner I can’t explain how amazing and beautiful the breed is. Winnie has never failed to make us smile after a tiring day at work, or indeed when she runs up to every dog in the park to get them to play with her. She has pushed us out of our boundary (for the better) and has always taken care of us in her own little way.

We are very excited to be a part of the committee. We look forward to welcoming you and your pup! Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions  or if you’d like to know a little more about the breed.


Harriet Lacey - Membership Secretary

My love for dogs has been life-long, but became more of a passion when we welcomed our Miniature Dachshund, Pippa, into our lives in 2017. Being long and low, and wanting the best for her, she introduced me to the importance of breeding for health, as well as allowing me to develop my new-found love and growing knowledge for training and canine behaviour. Through our search for the perfect companion for her, we discovered the Eurasier, and Luca joined us in 2018. Luca was the perfect addition and has helped us all grow in numerous ways.

I love dog sports and the quality bonding time it allows with our dogs. Luca and I show in Conformation, where I have met some of my now closest friends, and have learnt an incredible amount about the Eurasier world. Pippa and I do a lot of trick-work, and have dabbled in some non-competitive Heelwork to Music, and we are now working on our Scentwork training, where we hope to compete soon. As well as these individual activities, we Canicross with both dogs, which everyone loves.

Crazy? Obsessed? You could call it that. All I know is that these dogs are the light of our lives, and life would be bleak without them!


Carol Mahoney - Merchandise Officer

I am a retired nurse and have shared my home with at least one dog for most of my life as has my husband, Ray.
In 2017 we moved to the beautiful Isle of Anglesey, soon after we moved it became clear that Ray wanted to get another dog and after looking after a friend's dogs for a couple of days, I was convinced too. Lots of reading and many discussions later it became obvious that the Eurasier would be the right breed for us.
We were lucky enough to meet Brigitte, Peter and their 3 Eurasiers and we were very pleased when she agreed to us having one of Annie's puppies. We brought Gustav home in April 2018. It has been lovely to be able to keep in touch with other Eurasier owners, especially those with Gustav's sisters and extended family by being a member of SEA.

Eva Rolloff - Committee Member

‘Long-time dog lover, but first-time Eurasier owner’ is probably the best way to describe me.

I first came to Scotland from Denmark in 1997 to do a PhD in Physiology. There I met my partner, and we eventually settled between Bristol and Bath, raising our son and daughter, now teenagers, while working as a researcher in Bristol.

A dog had long been on the kids’ and my wish-list, but had not been possible due to work schedule and frequent travels abroad. When my contract ended in 2018 this changed.

I thought I knew a lot about dogs , but I am new to the wonderful world of Eurasiers...To be honest, I had never heard of them before I came across one in my search for our new family dog. It was pretty much love at first sight for me and the kids, and the more I researched the breed, the more convinced I was it would be perfect for our family. However, it can be a bit daunting to buy a rare breed with no first-hand experience, so it was a great relief to come on a couple of Eurasier walks with the Southern Eurasier Association and meet a selection of them up close and ask Brigitte all the questions I hadn't found answers to online. Due to the long waiting time for a good Eurasier puppy in the UK, we eventually decided to get ours from Denmark. In the summer of 2019 I drove over to collect 15week- old Iris. And the rest is, as they say, history!
I am looking forward to my role on the committee, and hope that my background in biology and research will be helpful.

Leo and Mishka Boots

Leo Wheatley - Committee Member

To her friends also known as ‘MishkaBoots’

Growing up my family always had dogs and my earliest memory is of our rescue chow chow, Tico. We had various breeds and mixes but my first love was Chows.

Over the years I read about a relative of the Chow, the Eurasier, and was intrigued by this new breed. So I was delighted to meet some of the first in the country at the Discover Dogs section of Crufts and then at other smaller shows. Having spoken to owners I decided I would definitely like to have one some day.

Well fate lent a hand and brought me Mishka Boots, a beautiful but terrified rescue Eurasier. She was 7 years old and in a pitiful state, but slowly and with the help of my two Chows, China and Otto, she learned to trust and play and eventually love people and dogs and to live life to the full. It took time and patience, but seeing her blossom was more rewarding than I could describe. And in return she brought many new friends and even my other half into my life.

Sadly I lost her at 14 but she was smiling to the end.

China and Otto have also sadly passed on, so I am without a dog in the house for the first time in 23 years, but I know when the time is right another Eurasier will come my way. Chows will always be my first love but there's now a big space in my heart reserved for Eurasiers. I've loved having the two breeds together and it's been fascinating to see their shared characteristics but also their differences.

In the meantime I enjoy reading about the SEA Eurasier family's antics and meeting them at shows and get togethers whenever I can. It was an honour to be asked to join the committee and I hope I can do the club (and Mishka Boots!) proud.

Rod Wheatley - Committee Member

My involvement with dogs began when I was 3 years old and my parents bought a Wire Haired Fox Terrier, since then most of my life has included dogs of one breed or another, plus some mixed breeds.
For many years I owned Chow Chows and was a long-serving committee member of one of the Chow Breed Clubs. I dabbled in showing and getting to show at Crufts in the early 90s was a proud moment, but I preferred supporting others to being in the ring, and thoroughly enjoyed my years helping to run a ringcraft club.
I became interested in the link between Chows and Eurasiers and jumped at the opportunity of rescuing a seven-year old-bitch, Mishka Boots as she became known, and fell in love with the breed.
Sadly she has now passed on leaving a large gap in our lives, but I look forward to supporting her breed by active involvement with the committee of S.E.A alongside my daughter Leo.